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Visual Acoustic

In Uncategorized on February 20, 2011 at 4:35 pm

Visual Acoustic is one way to interpret interesting point of architecture, help the viewer to understand it better and also lead them to the same aspect as architect. But on the other hand Photograph is like one caption which may or may not tell us the whole story. We all have different basic knowledge and perspective view, one may focus on structure or another may focus on the material. How the photographer know all the audience’s perspective view??

Photograph is a good way to interpret building’s aesthetic. If we let the photograph play the role as whole idea of architecture there will be some people could not understand the building. For me photograph is not the best way to help us understand the building. Photograph is like an advertisement that attracted the audience to the building and let them discover the building themselves by their own perspective view  because photograph is like the beginning part that they need to combine them together between photo and their own idea.