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Playing with Paradox

In Uncategorized on March 27, 2011 at 6:10 pm

When Less is more become Less is bore.

When some details are gone, only importance elements. The building begins to loose their uniqueness. More and more replica.


Architect begin to find their own uniqueness. The primary identity is ourselves, we have different look, different style and different idea. Expressing our own idea is the best simple way to create the unique building. Ignore some rules and express everything our.




Frank gehry is the one who use this idea to design the architecture. Expressing his idea and playing with paradox is the way to work and came up with something very unique. After he get the form he use the computer program which allow him to change impossible structure to be possible.

This way of design can proof that if we ignore all the rules and express all our idea still allow us to came up with unique form and  possible to construct as long as the technology can help you…



In Uncategorized on March 27, 2011 at 5:49 pm

Walking through the massive scale structure may impress us by the scale but after we surprise what’s next??? Significant details??

Massive scale can surprise us but for me it’s like movie with the very cool trailer but the whole story is boring. Massive structure lack of details which is another important cparts to appreciate the visitor. Even it can not impress us that much at the beginning but the significant details will experienced us and complete us with nice ending.

Not only lacking of details But have you ever Imagine 5 massive building together??? How they look??? They will look like 5 huge buildings standing together blocking each other and the context. How can we still interpret this idea without blocking anything?? And why we have to block the beautiful context??

Playing with this feeling is not only available to do it vertically, giving the sense of bigness also able to interpret through the horizontal structure which will blend it in with the context.

Creating the space to impress visitors and the significant details also allow them to experience the concept through the building at the same time is not too hard for us. But How many people can create them without any block, context’s aesthetic will push it to be more beautiful and precious.

Architecture and Liberation

In Uncategorized on March 20, 2011 at 5:25 pm

“On the same level of negative revelation, the (berlin) wall also, in my eyes made a total mockery of any of the emerging attempts to link form to meaning in a regressive chain-and-ball relationship.”

Rem Koolhaas has observation on The Berlin Wall which acted as a symbol of the Cold War and the separation between Germany and Berlin as” Participation in liberation of mankind”. Rem also simplify The Berlin Wall as architecture to see and interpret it, to see what the real power of architecture was. This wall divide a land into 2 contradictory areas, West Berlin was called “free, and that the much

larger area beyond the Wall was not considered free. Without this wall that area will become together and nothing special on it but this architecture is not only participate in liberation of mankind but it also interpret 2 contradictory feeling trough itself. Venturi also stated that discussion of “Contradictory Levels,” Venturi explains that challenging the observeractually enhances his/her experience with the architecture because the work becomes “morevivid.”

Rem’s observation suggest us new perspective view on this wall, The Berlin Wall is not just a wall when we investigate it inside but it’s an architecture that participate in liberation of mankind ,it also give contradictory environment around there  and finally The Berlin Wall become a powerful architecture.

Kahn’s natural light

In Uncategorized on March 6, 2011 at 10:58 pm

Natural light and electrical light are totally different in Kahn’s idea. Even both of them are light. Kahn believe that Natural light is more lively and he also state that “A room is not a room without natural light” with his explanation : Every space must have natural light, because it is impossible to read the configurations of a space or shape by having only one or two ways of lighting it. Natural light enters the space released by the choice of construction.”

In The Kimbell Art Museum is a prime example of Kahn’s imaginative use of lighting where he developed a system that allowed natural light into the building but diffused it with a series of reflectors. These enhanced the galleries by bathing them in a silver glow but kept the light from directly touching the works of art.


In Esherick house Kahn bring dynamic into the house not  by his the structural design. Instead of creating direct movement Kahn created a lot of opening to bringing in the sunlight as dynamic of the house. Because the natural light has very significant path during the way different shade during the day month and season enhance the building to be more lively with glow concrete wall. Kahn also state that “Also marvelous in a room is the light that comes through the windows of a room and that belongs to the room. The sun does not realize how beautiful it is until after a room is made. A man’s creation, the making of a room, is nothing short of a miracle. Just think, that a man can claim a slice of the sun.” to describe aesthetic of the house with natural light.