
Playing with Paradox

In Uncategorized on March 27, 2011 at 6:10 pm

When Less is more become Less is bore.

When some details are gone, only importance elements. The building begins to loose their uniqueness. More and more replica.


Architect begin to find their own uniqueness. The primary identity is ourselves, we have different look, different style and different idea. Expressing our own idea is the best simple way to create the unique building. Ignore some rules and express everything our.




Frank gehry is the one who use this idea to design the architecture. Expressing his idea and playing with paradox is the way to work and came up with something very unique. After he get the form he use the computer program which allow him to change impossible structure to be possible.

This way of design can proof that if we ignore all the rules and express all our idea still allow us to came up with unique form and  possible to construct as long as the technology can help you…


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