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Key from present to the Classical architecture

In Uncategorized on April 3, 2011 at 6:22 pm

“ Beauty does not consist in the elements, but in the harmonious proportion of the parts, the proportion of one finger to the other, of all the fingers to the rest the hand… ”(p.29,Aesthetic of Proportion)

From this sentence we will realize that Beauty remains as Harmony of each proportion as unity. Vitruvius’s theory explain the word “Proportion” and “Symmetry”  which use extensively nowadays in Architecture. Proportion in Nature was interpret through his theory which explains us the proportion of human body.

Even Modern architecture came up with different form with classical architecture but Modern architecture derived the Propotion from Vitruvius’s theory which developed later as Golden ratio by Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier wants everything to occur like a prototype,people should live in the same thing. He developed the idea of Golden ratio in the long tradition of  Vitruvius, Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian, the work of Leone Battista Alberti, and other attempts Man to discover mathematical proportions in the human body and then to use that knowledge to improve both the appearance and function of architecture.

In late modernism,We stared to know Louis I Khan use mixing of ancient architecture and modern principal to expressed his idea. Because the Modernist restriction didn’t influenced all his work he still design architecture with his own process while the history and modernist principal work as material. The Harmonious way was introduced trough his work, Light and and shadow narrow down the boundaries, giving dynamic and blend everything together as Architecture which standing between the Modernist style and classical style. ‘Purity of Form’ was introduced by modernist and it was revealed again with the similar idea become more lively.

In Postmodernism, Modernist architecture was denied and artist tried to find a new style in contradictory way but while they are looking for new style they already spent time studying and research the Modernist style to find the contradictory style like Rem koolhaas when he wanted to denied Villa Savoy by producing Villa Dall’ava.

To minimize form in Modernist was changed into Maximize form in Expressionism. Frank Gehry maximizing architectural form trough his design, Disney music hall” where we can see the expressive form, each volume of the structure is like the cube that was exploded from the tall building that surrounded his masterpiece. During this period, architecture donate the value to the outside world trough its forms with the sense of ‘form follow funcion’

Even different period and style interpret architecture in different way but they still have the same propose which is to served us the best architecture. The development may created new stunning form but all of them came from the same origin which develop many decades and all styles become related even they have contradictory style until now we can say that ‘Present  is the key to the past’